sofia salvo –

Sofia Salvo is a Southamerican saxophonist and improviser born in 1994 in Buenos Aires. She began learning saxophone at the age of 12, in the Classical Music Conservatory and later also in the Jazz school. Alongside, in her teenage years, she played with punk and rock bands from her friends, which gave her flexibility and confidence on stage. Combining the institutional and the experimental languages, she started developing her sound at a very young age. She was part of a collective of 9 women who played Funk and groove music in big stages of Argentina, to name only one of the projects she has been part of. From Tango to orchestral music to free jazz, basically she has fluently swinged in almost any musical genre. Besides her long time stage experience, she has been teaching saxophone for more than ten years, focusing on the students interests and also making her lessons fun and relaxed. The saxophone for her is a tool for expression and creativity. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and learning also from others, because she believes that music is meant to be shared and enrich people’s lives. Nowadays her artistic career focuses on free improvisation and experimental music. She moved to Berlin in 2019 where she has met and collaborated with musicians and performers from all parts of the world specialised in experimental arts. She aims to dig deeper into alternative ways of playing her instrument, from extended techniques to the use of electronic devices. As a very active baritone saxophonist, she is regularly playing live shows and touring Europe, to name a few like Leipziger Jazztage, Jazzwerkstatt Bern, Pancevo Jazzfest. She also organises and curates alternative events and concerts.


Helping students find their own unique voice with the instrument and have fun with music. She believes on the power of sound and vibration to express emotions and open hearts. And that everybody who is willing can learn, no matter the age.


English, Spanish, German

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