beatriz Chinaider
Rhythms of Brazil Ensemble: Maxixe, Frevo, Xote and Choro

Brazilian music is a reflection of different vibrant rhythms and has a rich and diverse musical heritage, blending African, indigenous, European, and other influences. All these influences have interwoven over time in such a way like a rich and vibrant tapestry of sound and rhythm. In the course of this new rhythms such as maxixe, xote, baião and sambainto were created. Each of these genres tells a unique story of Brazil’s history, culture, and artistic expression, making them essential chapters in the country’s musical legacy.

In this course, we delve deep into the captivating world of Brazilian music, exploring five distinct genres:

– Samba: arguably the most iconic and internationally recognized Brazilian musical genre. It comes from folklore, which appears as the first product of the cultural industry. Samba has aspects like: Partido alto (critical), Samba canto (extension of modinha), Choro (samba sung with instrumental melody ornaments), breque and exaltation.

– Maxixe: often described as Brazil’s response to the tango, was a dance that combined elements of African rhythms, European ballroom dance, mainly Polca, and Brazilian flair. We will resurrect the forgotten charm of maxixe, exploring its history and musical characteristics like the monothematic voices and your complex rhythms that is a variation of tango. There is no solo instrument, it is for dancing and with monothematic rhythm.

– Frevo: a vibrant and energetic music and dance style that is synonymous with the region’s Carnival celebrations. In this course, we will dive into the world of frevo, uncovering its origins in the vibrant streets of Recife and Olinda. We will explore the unique musical elements like the characteristic syncopated rhythms, that give frevo its distinctive sound.

– Xote a popular dance and music style in the northeastern region of Brazil. Xote’s sweet and melodic tunes, often accompanied by the accordion, tell stories of love, longing, and the simple joys of life in the Brazilian hinterlands. The xote is like the schottisch which has 2 first parts in minor mode and the third in major mode, is slow and is sung.

– Choro: a genre often referred to as the “Soul of Brazilian instrumental music.” Choro, which means “cry” or “lament” in Portuguese, is a complex and intricate style that combines elements of European classical music with African and indigenous rhythm with musical form that is A A’ B A C A and made it for solo instrument. It is a genre where virtuosity meets improvisation, creating a musical conversation that is both profound and enchanting.

The instruments generally used are: Guitar, Cavaquinho, Pandeiro, Tamborin, tan tan, cuíca, Bass Guitar, drums, bong drums, flute, piano, clarinet, mandolin, güiro, triangle, violin, singers.

But if you are interested, sign up and we can be creative and make arrangements including your instrument. The ideal for the course is that the playing level of the instrument is at least intermediate. If you are a music enthusiast this course promises to be a thrilling and enlightening exploration of the melodies and movements.

Beatriz Chinaider

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